Violence against women is a crime against the law.
It is the repeated, not casual but habitual use of intimidation to control the partner.
It is caused by an aggressor’s desire to gain power and control over his partner.
Abuse manifests itself through physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse.
The violence very often occurs simultaneously.
It happens to you more and more often that:
- Your partner continually criticizes your way of speaking, moving, dressing…
- He also criticizes you in front of your children
- He scolds you in front of friends for what you say or how you behave
- He asks you to change your physical appearance to please him
- It limits you in relationships and contacts with your family members
- It doesn’t allow you to go out alone or with your friends
- Check your phone
- She accuses you of not being a good mother
- She accuses you of not being a good wife
- Threatening not to let you see your children again
- Threatens to kill you
- He threatens to kill himself if you don’t agree to do what he wants
It happens to you more and more often that:
- He beats you
- It pushes you
- Destroy your items
- It throws objects at you
- It prevents you from going out
- It deprives you of sleep
- It deprives you of food
- It deprives you of medical care
- He spits on you
- It locks you inside a room or inside the house
It happens to you more and more often that:
- It doesn’t give you money for family expenses
- He does not share family budget decisions with you
- He forces you to hand over his entire salary to him
- Check your bank statements or seize your ATM
- He checks the shopping receipts you make and searches your purse
- He forces you to ask him for money whenever you need it
- He expects to use all your salary for the needs of the family, keeping his own for himself
- He demands that you quit your job
It happens to you more and more often that:
- He insults or humiliates you during sexual intercourse
- He forces you to have sex with him
- It forces you to have sex with others
- It forces you to watch and repeat pornographic scenes
- Pretends to have intercourse without your consent
It happens to you more and more often that:
- Follows you or spies on you
- He sends you many messages, mails or contacts that you don’t like
- He calls you repeatedly even though you’ve told him you don’t want to hear from him
- Threatening your friends or people you know
- It monitors you by asking third parties or your children for information about you
- It forced you to change your lifestyle habits
Violence is not caused by alcohol, drugs, unemployment, stress or ill health. These are just excuses and justifications for the abusive behavior.