SEXUAL VIOLENCE is defined as any sexual activity with a person who is unwilling or unable to consent to the sexual act.
Sexual assault is a very generic term that includes different behaviors such as:
• rape (even if the perpetrator is the partner or husband)
• any unwanted sexual contact
• unwelcome exposure of a naked body and exhibitionism and voyeurism
• the sexual abuse of a minor
• incest
• sexual harassment
• sexual acts on clients or employees perpetrated by therapists, doctors, dentists, bosses, colleagues or other professionals.
Sexual violence is an ACT OF POWER and physical force or threats are not always used against the victim, because violence can be very subtle (as in the case in which the perpetrator uses his physicality or social status to frighten or manipulate the victim).
The offense can be prosecuted upon complaint by the injured party (irrevocable) to be filed within one year of the fact.